Borders is now closed. It is depressing to think that with everything going digital, book stores and libraries will soon be as extinct to our children as dinosaurs. They were literally throwing things out that people weren't buying for as cheap as $.25. Some custmers were ripping shelves off with tools they had brought from home.
Look at that little bastard on his cellphone. Can't even appreciate what he is seeing right now.
Only things left in the DVD section: Rush Limbaugh audio book.
While it was really depressing to come in and see this ghost store, I came up on a sick souvenir. I wanted to get something that made me remember how the store had died. A book would have been cheap with the %90 offdeals but I wanted something BORDERS. I looked up at the walls and immediately saw this DVD VIDEO sign. I ased the manager how much and he said, "5 bucks?". Deal. "Do you guys have a ladder I could borrow?", I asked. He pointed to a ladder so I moved it, climbed up, and ripped it from the wall in true MacGruber fashion as I used some change counters to pry it off. After taking it home, cleanign it off, taking the screws out of the back, here it is.