I missed the Producer's Panel today but I heard the Writer's Panel was better anyway so I wasn't too bummed about it. But tonight was the biggest (at least in my mind) night of the festival. Christopher Fucking Nolan was getting the Modern Master's Award.

Hearing him talk about his career was one of the coolest hour-and-a-halfs of my life. The moderator, Pete Hammond was great with keeping the interview going, but his laugh was un-intentionality contagious. He would laugh like a school girl and then do this like heavy breathing after that could make the pope laugh.

Oh, and Leonardo DiCaprio gave a speech.
Since I had fucked up the night before by not waiting for Franco, Sarah and I waited out back for Chris and Leo. Leonardo came out and it looked like he was going to get straight in his car and leave but then he quickly (and I mean fucking quickly) signed autographs and took pictures. He seemed fearful of the crowd and he usually doesn't stick around to sign autographs especially after this crazy stalker cut his face with a beer bottle, but he sacrificed his time for us. I was too busy trying to get him to sign Sarah's Platinum Pass (which he did Booyah!) that I forgot to get him to sign mine. But whatever, I was waiting for the one that actually counted.
Like Leo, Nolan looked like he was going to get straight into his car. But I yelled, "Your My Modern Master Chris!" and he walked around and signer autographs. After preparing the order with Sarah, Ryan, and myself, Nolan approached us. I told him, "You inspire me... to inspire others." and he kinda laughed and said, "Thank. That means a lot." Then we all got pictures with the Man!!! (It was easy since Sarah was there looking stunningly beautiful)
Profile Pic until I die.
I also got to take a picture of the most stunningly gorgeous girl at the Festival.
Great fucking night.
All good quality photos provided by Ryan Turner.
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