Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 242: Branigan

Before the 192b midterm, Edward Branigan's Puzzle Film class was watching The Sixth Sense. But they weren't just watching the film... they were experiencing Branigan. 

Branigan is considered a legend at UCSB if you are a film student. He is kinda crazy. Branigan yells during his lectures and give off that mad scientist vibe in which there really is a thin line between genius and insanity. I guess during this class, to emphasize the importance of red, he wore a red tie. Then halfway through the lecture he wanted to suggest its importance even more so he pulled out another red tie and put it on. 

I have never had a class with him but I think I may sit in on a couple just to see the man teach. I'll probably bring some popcorn.

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