Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 153: Annette Bening

For part of the Film Festival this week, awards are being given to some pretty awesome people. Tonight...Annette Bening.She is one of the best living female actors around (apparently they got rid of the word actress for some stupid fucking reason) and has been in some awesome movies but one of my personal favorites, American Beauty.

I had to leave 54 early (thanks Jackie!) and hop on a bus downtown. It was eerily coincidental that when I look up on the bus, I saw a Don Hertzfeldt cartoon with the famous "My spoon is too big!" and "I am a Banana!" Made me feel warm inside.

So I got downtown kinda early so I could get a good seat... and I did. I was like three rows away from the front and was ready to be amazed at Annette. Basically what happens is the moderator comes out, says a few words about the person being honored, then you watch a montage of their work, then the person comes out, there is an interview with some more clips and then another famous person comes out and gives the honoree an award. I was looking forward to tonight's. But what followed was a disaster.

This guy Roger Durling, who runs the festival, was to be the moderator. I thought to myself, "Oh this is gonna be sick! Roger knows his shit, has really been involved with the festival's resurgence, and seems kinda cool." The guy was a fucking idiot. He has people problems or something. He stuttered like crazy, asked the same question multiple times, and confused certain directors with others. Fucking amateur. But Anette was still fucking awesome.

But it got even better when Kevin Costner came out to give the award. apparently he was hammered but I guess he is a productive drunk 'cause I couldn't tell. He came out, said some awesome shit about Bening (moment of the night was when he gestured toward her and said to the audience ,"This is our Hepburn."), made a joke about Warren Beatty being an "adventurer" (Anette did not like that) and then gave her a well deserved American Riviera Award.

Then when it was all over, there was an after party at a dank steak house for VIP's only. Photo Courtesy of Ryan Turner.

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