Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 70: The '95 Stalker

About a month ago this creepy kid named Alex Goodman came over to our house saying he felt, "bad vibes" coming from our house. Having never seen this kid before we told him there was none because we didn't know who he was. He then left and we didn't really think anything of it. Then he came back....

Probably an hour after the first encounter he came back again to reiterate his feelings but then adding, "And I think I left my phone here too." We told him we had no idea who he was and that we didn't have his phone. He asked to borrow our phones but we asked him to use one of his roommates. He said they weren't home but we asked him to kindly leave.

Then he came back AGAIN about an hour and a half later. By this time all of '95 was on high alert of Mr. Goodman. Alex said he thinks we had "stolen his phone" because we "had a good view of his apartment from our apartment." This is when the big, red, flag came into all of our heads and we told him that he should go fuck himself and that there wasn't bad blood before but now there was considering we didn't want to be a part of a newspaper article that finished with "and then he turned the gun on himself."

Its been pretty quiet for a month but the other day he accused us of making a fake Facebook/Twitter about him. We then warned him again that he was NOT WELCOME at our house. He decided to talk to our fraternity president about how this fake account was ruining his life.

Today he brought it to a whole new level when we found this on our doorstep...

We filed a complaint with the cops because we aren't trying to deal with sketchy as schizos who probably collect Vietnam war paraphernalia. Hopefully he reads this and gets the hint but I doubt he will.


  1. Sucha weird ass convo about how you guys had ruined his life

    - Jacob

  2. Dude every convo with this kid is weird
